Monday, January 14, 2008


it really is something... everything that's happened in my life over the past 6 months or so. Sometimes when I think about it, I feel like I'm trapped in a vat of seaweed struggling to find daylight... just because it seems to never end... so I try not to think about that too much.
it really is something... sometimes it feels like time is moving on, progressing, and the people that mean the most to me (my family) are regressing... life shouldn't be about this... this isn't what God intended.
I know that the God I serve is in the business of making beautiful things out of broken things... so to this promise I cling... I put my hope there and I find comfort in some serene way... I have found peace within myself... it really is something.

1 comment:

aimee marie said...

You do serve a God in the business of making beautiful things out of broken ones. Keep clinging to that promise. He makes all things new....sometimes it just takes a while.
peace and love to you friend.